SGB, a leader in
Rammed Earth Construction
"...(Rammed Earth) is a sensual interpretation of the landscape beyond. The layers and color come from the earth on the property and in the region. The result is a silky, banded surface that begs to be touched and requires no other embellishment. The craftmanship is the work of ... the very best rammed-earth master in the region."
- Texas Architect Magazine
"Mike Sims mixed materials from a local quarry with iron oxide to dye the (Rammed Earth)
earthen mixture four different colors, to evoke the multihued rock cliffs of Abiquiu, where O'Keefe lived and worked."
- Wall Street Journal
"New design trends bring us brighter, lighter spaces that capitalize on fresh air, outdoor living areas... the goal is to foster connections—between structures and their sites, between the sites and their surroundings, and among the people who live, work, and play in these spaces. What really excited me about the project was the opportunity to connect the site to the larger landscape around it. Rammed earth has a striated look and it resembles the rock formations in that area—abstract but not literal. Our goal was to make it seem as though the residence grew organically from the landscape, and to connect to the landscape through the sightlines"
- Alex Dzurec AIA, Architect, Trend Magazine
image: Robert Reck / courtsey of Rick Torcasso
Welcome to SGB
We are the industry leader in rammed earth construction.

In 1990, Mike and Mary Sims started Sims General Building in their laundry room. Our business has evolved and we are now recognized as an industry leader in Rammed Earth construction. We work on projects throughout the US and we have been fortunate to work with wonderful clients in New Mexico, California, Texas and beyond.
Our Rammed Earth designs are inspired by our outdoor adventures. Each project gives us an opportunity to create a unique and artistic representation within the medium of Rammed Earth.

We were published in a book!
We are thrilled to share that our work has been published in Santa Fe Modern.
And we have been working really hard so we are also including magazines that highlighted our work on their cover and hints of where we've been fortunate to be published.
Check out our project page to see more information.

To us, each Rammed Earth project isn't just a job;
it's an opportunity to create something new through quality craftmanship and hands-on attitude.